Digital Scrapbook, On the Ranch

Journaling a Different Way

If you’ve been scrapping for a while you know that your pages really SHOULD have journaling on them. Why you might ask. Well, think about when you find pictures or albums from a family member but when you turn it over hoping to find out who, what this picture was all about it doesn’t have any info on them. So the picture might be fabulous and could be telling a story that you don’t know. Without the journaling though, it’s just a nice picture.

Journaling can be intimidating for sure though because you might think it has to be a novel or you might think you’re not really a good writer. Don’t think any of those things, just write the first things that come to your mind. Don’t overthink it.

Here’s a couple of pictures that I cherish but without any journaling, you really don’t know what they actually mean to me. Don’t get me wrong the pics show some beautiful horses and that’s great but…

These pictures are from a time on the ranch when we had a large herd of horses and they would come around and see us every couple of days. I couldn’t wait to see them when they came by as they are so BEAUTIFUL!

Here’s a layout I made with these pictures but with journaling so the reason I cherish them will be saved also. As you can see it’s not long or perfect but it’s MY story on these pictures.

This page also shows you can change up how you journal on your page. I love the strips of paper behind each sentence. To me, this is a fun way to journal instead of all on one piece of paper. So think “outside” of the box when you journal next time.

Credits for this page: Fiddlesticks #53 template by Fiddle Dee Dee Designs this particular template is retired but she has many beautiful ones to choose from and Cleo Kit by Rachel Martin.

Happy crafting ’til next time,

Challenges, Digital Scrapbook, On the Ranch

June Sightings


It’s only the 7th of June and we’ve had more wildlife sightings than we’ve ever had in such a short period of time. We’ve had way more bunnies playing together all over the place. I love seeing them play just like kids, it makes my heart smile. 🙂 At times it’s almost as if their playing tag with each other, as they zig and zag and change up whos chasing who.


Deer are also coming to eat in our pasture way more often. Since June started, now remember it’s the 7th, we’ve had deer come by every day but one. NEVER have we had that many visits in a row. The pasture doesn’t even have that much “green” in it. 😦


The other sighting is sad but I was glad I saw the little guy. It was so skinny and I know it was too young to be away from its mother. I’m worried since we’ve had no rain for months and the ponds are all dry, it lost its mother. But enough sadness, this is life here and I have to accept the sad with the happy. Let me tell you the story of how I saw this little one. As I was designing in my office I noticed out of the corner of my eye some furry brown arms reaching up towards the hummingbird feeder I could see in the other rooms window. Of course, as soon as my dog heard it hit the house and the feeder she barked and it started going away. This gave me enough time to grab my camera and catch this shot.


It was about twenty feet away by that time but as you can see it wasn’t sure what the noise was that startled it but then turned and kept lumbering away.

I took this final photo when my ranchman was out watering some of his orchard trees two days ago and saw him looking at me through the leaves and just loved it. I also KNEW it was the perfect photo for this page.

view through the trees

On to my page, I created to share with you. The title came to me when I saw the above photo so I went with it. I really like the look of titles in different fonts and styles so on this page I used an alpha set from an art kit. Spring Cleaning kit by BoomersGirl Designs. Once the letters were on my page I aligned them the way I like – crooked. 🙂

upper title

I used Santas Sleigh at Dafont for the lower smaller title and put a little embellishment on it. ♥

embellished title

Here’s the title on my main photo.

title on photo

Here’s my finished page – I think its fun looking!

June Sightings

Kit credit: Absolutely Spring by Pattyb Scraps. I challenge you to look out your windows and search for things you’ve never seen before – they are there! 🙂

Happy crafting ’til next time, ♥

Life is what you make it

